Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stressed.... but still Blessed :)

It has been a lovely day, despite the weather outside.  At least, my outlook was sunny this morning even though it was rainy outside.  I love Thursday!  It's Bible study morning at my church.  We are currently doing Beth Moore's study on the life of David.  Very good study.  If you haven't gone thru it, do so.  If you have, do it again if you get the chance.  :) 

This is what I wore today:

Wow...I had my picture taken in a different spot in my living room.  Imagine that!  LOL  Today, my official photographer was my 14 year old son, Daniel. 

Felt great, looked good.  Had a fabulous time at the study.  Lunch was nice (at home with Daniel, who stayed home with a stomach virus).  Worked on dinner for tonight (enchiladas and Ranch beans) and did a little housework.  Spent some time watching tv (DVR'd shows I missed last week) and played on my phone a bit.  Then, hubby came home. 

Hubby coming home is a good thing.  Really.  It wasn't him coming home that sent my mood from sunny to sour.  It was the discussion we had.  Tomorrow is April 1.  His last day being gainfully employed is May 31.  We went over his paperwork for retirement and all the "other stuff" that goes with retiring from the military.  The hard cold reality hit.  And, it hit hard.  Right between the eyes.  I couldn't breathe for a second or two or three.  Almost cried.  Told hubby that "I hate this."  He understood.  He's not exactly thrilled either.  We know God will see us through.  We know we aren't supposed to worry.  But.... we have two months remaining.  Then what? 

I am working really hard at not letting this stress me too much.  I really don't want the kids to know.  Also don't want to let it rule my life.  Some days, this is so hard.  Today is one of those days.  Tomorrow will be better.  Prayer helps. Then I "fish"...I cast my cares onto Him... and then I pull them back in...and cast again, and reel them back....  It's a vicious cycle.  I need to do what one of my former pastors said.  I need to cast and cut the line so I can't pull it back in. 

Did you notice I was MIA yesterday?  It was my first full day home and I was a busy Mom.  Didn't even take the laptop out of the case until a few minutes ago when I pulled it out to blog.  Unreal, but true.  This is what I wore yesterday:
I really liked my make up yesterday...
Take a look:

The good news is, I made it home safely from my trip.  Had a FABULOUS time with family while I was gone.  And, we have a new to us vehicle.  It's soooo nice to be a two vehicle family again.  It was wonderful to spend the time together and it was good for our family to compromise and work together the past year with our schedules.  But, to have the luxury of two vehicles is incredible.  My hope is we don't forget how blessed we are and how far we have come this year.

Coffee:  Gevalia Royal Vinter Spice.  New to me flavor.  Quite good.  Simply needs a spash of cream and a bit of sweetener. 

Writing:  None today.  Probably none for the next few days.  However, my mind is whirling with ideas.  :)


  1. Everyone has commented to me about how great you have been looking! How nice is that?!
    Short pity parties are allowed (I am there with ya!), then trust God and move on. Which you are doing. Hang in there, my friend.

  2. It's nice...but it makes me wonder how badly I looked before. Oh well. Yes, keeping the pity party short. Trusting God is a much better idea. :) Hanging in there. I think I have a swing attached to the end of my rope now. :)

  3. No, I don't think you looked bad before, I think everyone has just noticed you stepping up your game! :)

  4. Definitely stepping up your game Susan, and I'm so proud of you!! I can also tell you've lost some weight. I'm usually not observant about that at all, but you mentioned it a bit ago and then I just noticed when looking at your first OOTD pic.
    I see you're rocking the Nine West boots you found! Love the cardi with the dress, but yes, I think you would really enjoy a denim jacket too!
    Also love your lip color and the color on your nails:-)
    I do feel for you and am praying for you and your family--you too Debra!
    As we contemplate another move (actually 2 more moves) in the next few months, I can feel a little of the stress/worry start to creep up behind me. Looking at things up on shelves that I haven't touched since I unpacked them several months ago, while knowing they will go back into boxes shortly, makes me shake my head and wonder what's going on and if life will ever slow down again. It is SO GOOD to remember that God really does know where we're going, when we're going, and how we're getting there! How can I not believe and trust when this time last year my baby girl was about to be born in two days and I had no clue! Wow. God has His plan whether we know about it or not!
    Sorry to have written an epistle. Loved your update, clothes and your honesty and love you!
