Monday, March 28, 2011

I've Made A Discovery

It's true.  I have made a discovery.  And, must admit I'm a bit surprised by this discovery.  Are you ready?  Here it is:  I do not like travelling alone.  Flying alone wasn't a problem. However, I do not like driving alone for two days. It's not the driving part that I mind.  It's the alone part.  I am accustomed to having people with me constantly.  I am a people person, so this is a good thing.  I like being alone - when I so choose.  Enforced aloneness, not so much.  I can't text while driving.  I can't FaceBook while driving.  I can't blog while driving. And, let's face it, talking on the cell phone - even with the speaker - isn't a good idea.  So, I've been forced to be all alone.  Me, myself and I.  I. Do. Not. Like. This.  Just thought you should know.  Strange for a girl who lived alone before getting married and LOVED it.  Oh, but I CHOSE it then...and had people over when I didn't want to be alone. 

Which brings me to my next point:  I am soooo excited to see my family tomorrow!!  Even though I have spoken with them daily - sometimes more than once - I missed them so much.  It will be wonderful to hug my 5 boys (hubby and 4 sons) and pet the dogs.  Even Benji.  Benji, my mini schnauzer that I love to distraction, was a bad boy today.  He's apparently very upset that I've gone missing.  So, today, he peed in the middle of our bed.  I foresee a doggie who isn't allowed upstairs again for a while.  *sigh*  Thank goodness for a washer/dryer and multiple sheet sets. 

I'm sure by now you are wondering about my trip.  I had a lot of fun!  Did my best to divide my time evenly between the two families.  Had tons of fun with both, talking and laughing and just spending time with everyone.  That's the best.  Saw a childhood friend.  Attended my childhood church - and even played hymns for service. I really enjoyed my time with my parents.  Haven't had uninterrupted time with them for years.  It was nice to be able to sit and talk and not worry about anyone "needing" something every 15 minutes.  Simply put, I had a wonderful trip.  All that's left is to drive the remaining 400 miles home tomorrow.  My plan is to leave E.A.R.L.Y.  - yes, even I am laughing at that statement.  I love to sleep in.  However, I plan to set my alarm.  I plan to get up when it sounds!  Starbucks is nearby.  :)

OOTD:  I must apologize as I didn't take any pictures while I was home - OOTD or otherwise.  I spent too much time talking!  Imagine that.  Me?  Talking too much?  Never!!  Ha ha ha hahahahahaha!!  :)

Coffee:  Lots.  With either creamer or milk and sugar substitute.  Copious amounts of it consumed daily.  Tomorrow will be more of the same.  However, I must confess to longing to be home, sitting on the deck, sipping Gevalia with Trader Joes Organic Half & Half and talking with hubby or a friend.  :)

New installation:  Writing update:  I am currently attempting a children's book.  A friend's daughter has read it and likes it, so I'm feeling energized and plan to continue.  And, today as I was wandering thru a bookstore, I thought of an idea for a novel that combines some of my favorite things; the main one being food.  We'll see what happens. 

I've heard it takes 21 days to develop a habit.  I was finally blogging daily...and then stopped due to my trip.  Now to get back into blogging again and adding other daily writing into the mix.  Oh my....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so exciting about the children's book! I want to know more!
    Disappointed at your lack of OOTD pics, but completely understand.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your time and that you'll be back home with your family soon---I'm sure you were also sorely missed!
