Saturday, March 12, 2011

Not the day I expected...

My brain cells are dying...a slow painful death.  ICarly is on my tv.  It's like driving by a train wreck.  You just can't HELP yourself.  You HAVE to look.  *sigh*  If the rest of this post makes no sense, you know why. 

Today didn't go quite as I expected.  The teens were ALL up and moving before me this morning...and instead of waiting for me to make breakfast, they took matters into their own capable hands and made cinnamon rolls. YIPPEE!!  Then hubby took the youngest to school - yes, I know it's Saturday.  But, he's in Band and today was their Festival competition.  What did they score?  Thank you for asking.  Yet again, they scored straight 1s!!!!  Woooo hoooo!!!!  I'm so proud of them.  :)

After dropping him at school, he took the older two and their friends to the mall to hang out.  They apparently had a good time.  They stayed there till 4:30.  Isnt' it weird that I am so NOT a mall girl and my kids LOVE to go to the mall.  Oh well...  Maybe I should send them with a list of things I want so they can shop for me.  Oh, wait, that wouldn't work....Never mind.  Momentary insanity there...

I haven't accomplished much today other than transporting everyone home...and taking the dogs for a walk with the hubby.  I spent a good part of the morning in my pjs and playing on the computer as I didn't feel well.  I was very head, throat and ear hurt.  They have hurt all day long.  But, I refused to give into it and instead got up, showered and dressed so I could "do stuff".  After today, never let it be said I let feeling crummy keep me from dressing cute.  :)

This is what I wore today:
Sweater by Croft & Barrow
Top by Pendleton
Jeans by Lee Riders
Shoes - same kitten heels :)
Jewelry - Wal-Mart clearance rack  :)

Coffee today was basic.  Gevalia Traditional Roast with Peppermint Mocha creamer.  This afternoon I had a Starbucks coffee with fat free milk and a splash of half and half. 

Food was nothing special.  Lunch was Wendy's...dinner was what I lovingly call Find Your Own (FYO).  I "found" some taquitos - 1 steak, 2 chicken, with salsa.  Tomorrow will be better.  I am making pork bbq in the crockpot for dinner.  Lunch will probably be another FYO event.  

Still didn't make it to shop for the house.  Big surprise, right?  I know I won't tomorrow either, so it looks like next week.  I'm sure there is more cleaning that needs to be done before I start bringing new things into the house anyway.  At least, that is what I keep telling myself so I feel better about accomplishing nothing on my redecorating list.

See you tomorrow!!

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