Friday, January 24, 2014

Snow Day In Texas!

What a wonderful day!  We woke up to SNOW.  In. Texas. 


Yes, it snows in the Heart of Texas.  Rarely, but it happens.  When it does, well it usually isn't much



To make things even better, school was delayed two hours this morning!  We got to sleep in and I made pancakes for everyone to enjoy before heading out for the day. 

The dogs spent quite a bit of time outside playing, running, barking, nipping at each other and having a great time.  I tried to take a picture, but all I caught was a blur as they rushed past.  This is how they look now, exhausted and resting in the office, aka the spare bedroom, with me. 

Sam prefers to snuggle on a couple of towels in the corner by my desk.

Princess Bailey prefers curling up on the bed.

The kids next door spent their two hour delay gathering snow to build a snowman.  Turns out it's a snow duck.  Isn't it adorable?

And, these are just some shots around the house.

Patrick took these shots while I was making breakfast.

Not the best composition, but you get the idea.  We had SNOW IN TEXAS!

Hope you are enjoying your Friday as much as we did this morning before 9:00.  Do you have snow?  Delays?  Make the most of it.  This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!! 

And, when you come in from the cold, have a cup of coffee.  Really helps you warm up from the inside out.  :)

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