Monday, February 24, 2014

I'll Do It.....Eventually.

That has been my mantra for the weekend leading into today. 

On Friday, I began thinking about what to write about, finally deciding to write about procrastination. Not only do I watch my kids procrastinate on a daily basis, they learned it from a master. Me.

I thought about writing it on Saturday, but I was busy. Saturday night, I put it off  to rest my weary bones. I told myself I would be refreshed and ready to write Sunday afternoon. But, then, I was tired and sore.

Plus, what is there to say about procrastination. Especially something new and witty. I thought of lists of what to do to procrastinate. Lists of how to recognize when you are procrastinating. Lists of how to stay on task so you don't procrastinate.

And, then I procrastinated writing down the lists, subsequently forgetting them.

Suddenly, in the midst of all my mental blogging, the calendar changed from Sunday to Monday.  My blog was due. 

Insert a loud gasp of despair here. 

What was a writer to do?

It's obvious, isn't it?  Continue to procrastinate.

Off to Bible study, then the grocery store. Home to unload and put away everything and eat lunch.

Laundry. Oh, my. Laundry must be done. Now. We will have nothing to wear, if I don't wash the clothes immediately. After all, I didn't do any laundry this weekend.

Then the house needed to be cleaned. The bathrooms, the beds, the floors. Ninety minutes later, the house looked and smelled great and I was tired. Who can write when exhausted?  Not me. It was necessary to refresh my mind by watching Castle episodes on DVD.

A writer watching a tv show about a writer. Quite inspirational, don't you think?

After two Castle episodes, and a nap, it was necessary to open the laptop and write something.  Somehow, someway, I managed to procrastinate writing today's blog while writing today's blog.  Diagram that sentence making sense of it if you can. :)

I think I need a cup or two or ten of coffee. I will get up and make some....later. 

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