Go ahead. I dare you.
Most people are wrong by 10-15 years. They are surprised to learn I four sons ages 16, 17, 20 and 21. The comment I frequently hear is "I thought you little kids. You barely look 30."
Either they are lying or I look young. Quite honestly, I don't care either way. I LOVE hearing how young I look. When I was 21 and people thought I was 14 it was a different matter. I was often offended. Now, I will take any young year people want to assign me.
I'm afraid part of staying young isn't just appearance, it is how I act. Is that bad? Or good? Who knows.
How do I stay young? Read on for my Top Ten Steps to Stay Young.
1. Good genes.
I must give credit where it is due. My parents look younger than their years. My grandparents did too. So, part of my youthful appearance is genetics. I can take no credit for winning the genetic lottery. But, I'm thankful for it every day.
Okay, so this step was unfair as you have no control over your genetics. But, you can work with what nature gave you.
2. Eat Right.
Truth: We are what we eat. Fuel your body with good nutrition on a daily basis and it will give you energy, keep you healthy and ultimately help you feel younger. I strive to eat a healthy diet most of the time. To me, this means eating food which has been processed as little as possible. Fresh meats. I love going to the butcher shop. Fresh fruits and veggies. If fresh isn't possible, frozen works. If it's canned, I want it to come from my parents garden, canned by my Mother. I know what goes in those jars...and it's all good.
3. Get enough sleep.
Yes, I know. Easier said than done. I have decided it's a matter of routine for me. Also easier said than done.
I am trying to go to bed at 10:00 every night. I fail most nights. But, when I do get to bed on time the next day is so much better as I am rested and ready to take on the world. Darken your room as much as possible. No tv while falling asleep. Instead play white noise, music, a fan, etc., as you fall asleep. Reading is a good tool too. Darken your e-reader though so it isn't giving off the dreaded "blue light". No computer. Put down the phone.
4. Moisturize!!
From the inside out.
In other words, drink plenty of water. Your body needs it. Your internal organs are thirsty. Go get a glass and start sipping. Plus, the more water you drink, the better your skin looks. Trust me.
And, while you are at it, use a good facial moisturizer. Preferably one with sun protection. It makes a difference!
A good body lotion is good too. Why have dry skin if you don't have to?
5. Don't Sit Down.
My parents are in their 80s and are two of the most active, youthful people I know. They don't sit down. They have too much to do! They are working in the garden, growing vegetables. My Mom has an incredible flower filled yard. They cut and haul their own firewood! They are up and out and about, staying young by doing. What a great example they are to everyone who knows them.
And, if my Mother sits down, she's piecing quilts and then quilting them by hand, sewing intricate patterns into the design. Or, she is crocheting. Or cooking. Or reading cook books for something new to make for dinner. She is always busy. Always.
*When Daddy sits down, he sleeps.
6. Keep Learning.
Just because your school days are over doesn't mean you should stop learning. Our brains need to remain active too. Read. Watch the news. Stay current with what is happening locally, nationally and internationally. Take a class. Stretch your horizons. The more you open your mind to new thoughts, ideas and experiences, the younger you feel.
7. Relationships!
Invest in the people around you, building and maintaining healthy relationships. Life isn't meant to be lived alone, but in community. Family, friends, acquaintances all have a place in our lives. In person, over the phone, on-line. Reach out and reconnect with those you care about. It is worth it.
If you are one of those people who "hates people," fine. Get a dog. Or a cat. Something alive. It's not good for people to be alone.
Haven't studies shown that people with a pet live longer, fuller lives? Hmmm... Sounds like "Relationship." They may not talk, but those furry four legged babies make a difference.
8. Healthy Habits.
We all have habits. Some good, some not so good. Work on developing healthy habits. Like eating right, exercise, not smoking, etc. You know the drill.
Add regular doctor's visits, medical and dental.
And, positive mental habits. Stop talking to yourself in a way you wouldn't talk to others. Life is hard enough without being mean to yourself.
9. Faith.
My faith is an integral part of who I am. I know in whom I have placed my trust, who has saved me and cares for me. Daily. Hourly. Sometimes Jesus is the only way I make it from one minute to the next. My faith sustains me through hard times and keeps things in perspective during the good times. I can't do it alone. I don't have to because I have a higher power carry me.
I'm not saying you have to believe as I do. My point is humans are physical, emotional and spiritual beings. To be truly healthy, we must care for all aspects of ourselves.
10. Age is an ATTITUDE.
If you think you are old, and say you are old, you begin to act old. Next thing you know, you are old. Stop it! You are only as old as you feel.
My brain is stuck somewhere in my mid to late 20s. I still feel that age. Frequently I am surprised when I look in the mirror. Really! What do I do? I put on some make up, fix my hair and smile. It's hard to look and feel old when you think you are young.
Anti-aging tip:
Please don't make the mistake of thinking you can dress or act like someone who is 16 - or like you did when you were 16. Nothing ages you quicker than trying too hard to look young. Watch re-runs of What Not to Wear. When dressed age appropriately, with appropriate hair and make up, the "victims" suddenly looked younger! Amazing!
Bonus: Forget Diamonds - Make up is a girl's Best Friend.
I can't believe I am sharing this, but here goes. Pictures of me today before and after make up.
I use minimal make up. Moisturizer, foundation, mascara, eye shadow and brow pencil. Sometimes light pink or coral lip stick. That's all. But, what a difference, huh?
Youth is wonderful. Looking and feeling young are great. But, I wouldn't change my age, the wisdom I have gained, for anything. As I have aged, I have learned to accept the changes and the challenges, with grace. I hope you are learning this too.
Much love, and another cup of coffee,
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