Monday, March 15, 2010

I am NOT helping my husband anymore!!

Wow...What a morning.  I can't believe it's barely 10:00 am.  Seriously, it should be at least 5:00 pm.  Why?  You innocently ask.  Let me explain. It all started with the alarm going off at the insane hour of 5:15. My hubby got up and started his morning ritual of getting ready for work and at 5:30 gently woke me so I could dress and drive him to the bus station.  We are down to one vehicle, so he generously rides the bus to work each day.  We each go about our business of getting ready to get out the door by 6:00 am.  We are on schedule.... until we get in the van and he puts his cell phone in it's designated spot....the same spot where yesterday afternoon he left his military id card.  This is when the fun began.  He asks, "Where is my ID?"  I respond, "Probably on the dining table where I left it last night."  Big sigh from him.  He pulls the keys from the ignition and walks back to the house.  I sit there for a few seconds waiting when I realize I did not see his ID when I took my purse from the table.  So, I dig thru my purse in the darkness.  It's not in there.  Hmmmmm....  Back into the house I go where I see him moving things around on the table and looking frustrated.  We talk....and look....and talk....and look....and talk some more and look some more.  He sits on the sofa and watches me look.  I cry (not hard, just tears rolling down my face).  He looks angry - or maybe extremely frustrated is a better description.  But, he was wonderful.  He could've yelled at me, with good reason, but he kept control and stayed quiet.  After two very long hours of searching for his ID card and running thru the events of yesterday afternoon and evening, I once again went to the kitchen trash can where earlier I had done a frantic search thru the bag.  This time I pulled the bag from the can and systematically started searching thru everything.  Yup.  There it was in the empty cereal box next to the banana peel and some papers.  WHEW!!!  What's crazy is in the first frantic 15 minutes of searching I  looked thru the trash, all the while HOLDING this empty box which I didn't look in because I expected the card to be at the bottom of the bag. 

After the search was over, I hugged my hubby and thanked him for not losing his temper with me.  He almost made me cry again as he said "How could I yell at you?  You were trying to help me.  Besides what kind of example would I be to the boys if I read the Bible and pray with them at night and then yell at their Mother in the morning?"  My heart swelled with love and thankfulness that I am married to such a wonderful man.  And, I promised him that from now on, I am NOT helping him again - with his ID card, that is.  From now on, it stays where he puts it, no matter where that may be!! 

Isn't it interesting that yesterday's sermon was on "What to do when things go wrong."  It was the main topic of our conversation as I drove him to work. On the bright side, it was nice to eat breakfast and spend some extra time together this morning. 

But, can I just say....WHEW!! What a day!  Time to brew more coffee....

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