Friday, September 2, 2011

A Coffee Review

Good morning!

If you are wondering, yes, I am still dealing with the "I don't care" syndrome.  But, I'm TRYING to care.  That counts for something right?  Hope so. 

Anyway, I am currently trying to manage money over a month vs over 2 weeks as hubby now gets paid ONCE each month.  This is a bit of a struggle.  But, I know it can be done.  I have put together what appears on paper to be a reasonable budget.  I plugged it into an Excel spreadsheet and am now spending about 5 minutes per day putting in grand totals under each heading to make sure we stay "in the black".  It's not *too* time consuming and is a huge eye opener as to where our money actually goes each month.  To be quite honest, it has kept me from frivolous shopping more than once. 

Due to this (and the fact that I have a Gevalia shipment due to arrive in the next 10 days) I decided yesterday to try a different brand of coffee to save a few extra dollars.  Now, you all know how much I love my coffee.  By now, I'm sure you've all realized I don't care for cheap coffee - unless it is exceptional.  So, when in Wal-Mart yesterday I decided to explore their coffee aisle in hopes of finding something inexpensive to try.  What I found was Sam's Choice House Blend coffee. It's a medium roast Arabica coffee.  I woke to the lovely aroma of brewing coffee at 6:00 this morning.  Lovely aroma.  Can't say that enough.  When I poured my first cup - a little sweetener and a splash of half & half so I could taste the coffee - I was pleasantly surprised.  At just under $6.00 a bag, it's not exactly "cheap" but it IS less expensive than most of the coffees I buy.  And, a dollar or two or three each bag adds up over time.  Especially when you consider how much coffee I drink per month!  Rest assured, I won't be drinking this coffee ALL the time.  I must have my variety of blends from Starbucks and Gevalia and Ghirardelli and Dunkin Donuts, et al. but I will have this on hand for the days I want a good simple basic cup (okay, POT) of coffee. 

Enough coffee talk.  *looking around wildly*  WHO said THAT??  :) 

Today is another "busy" day ahead for me.  I must finish grocery shopping.  Had to stop early yesterday as a killer headache attacked me.  This has been happening more frequently since returning to TX.  I'm afraid a trip to the allergist may be in order.  Obviously it is something here causing it as I wasn't plagued with headaches prior to moving back to TX.  *sad face*  This morning I plan to take some OTC allergy meds to see if that will help.  Praying it does. I do not enjoy feeling bad all day and most of the night.  Yesterday it was just shy of a migraine. Since I'm having headaches daily and each day it's worsening, I know I must get it under control asap.  Otherwise, it's a trip to a new doctor for me - and I really don't like going to the doctor.  At all.  Ever.  Prefer doctors to dentists though....  Oh wait, they are both doctors, so the above statement is technically correct.  HA!  Take THAT doctors! 

Yes, I'm silly this morning. 

Tonight my hubby wants me to attend a high school football game with him.  It's at the school where he is teaching and "his" NJROTC cadets will be doing the flag presentation tonight.  It will be fun to go watch.  I have my outfit picked, ironed and ready!  Now, to feel well.  I may go even if I don't feel well for the first half to show support for my hubby and the cadets.

That's it for this morning.  Time to finish a letter to Justin, clean house and finish grocery shopping.  It's a bright beautiful day.  The only thing that would make it better would be a nice lovely soaking rain.  TX needs one desperately.


  1. hello my friend,
    Sorry to hear about your headaches. Yes it is probably due to the fact you are back in texas and we have the worst allergy problems in the world. i myself am annoyed by mesquite. Ha good luck getting away from that here right. I am glad to hear that things are a bit better. remember its not easy going from military life to civilian life. Its an adjustment for sure. The once a month payday stinks i know billy did that when working for the prison Its hard to budget for the little surprises that come up. Glad to hear you are going to the football game that should be fun. OH and on the coffee front. Try some of the web sites a friend of mine gets her K cups from there much cheaper. Sams club if you have one always runs specials too.

  2. I sure do hope your headaches clear up. I can totally "feel" your pain. Mine have not been too bad here. Just the infrequent kind.
    The football game sounds fun! You should go. :)
    Miss my coffee buddy. (Try Sams Club, they have a great one by Roasterie called True Blue Blend at mine.)

  3. Susan, sorry about your van maybe it will not be to expensive to fix. The headaches may be due to stress, that's when mine get really bad! I hope you find a church home soon, that will be a great place to make new friends. Love the pics you posted of your home, very nice, can't wait to see more. Take care
