Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break Week

Well, we are halfway through Spring Break week. I have been looking at Facebook and seeing what other families are doing this week.

I am a tad bit jealous.

Disney World looks like a lot of fun. Until I remember the two sons who still live at home do not like amusement parks. Going to one is a study in torture rather than fun.

I see pictures of the beach, the sun, the sand, the waves. These pictures make me jealous too. Then, I remember what it's like to go to the beach. The time it takes to get there and the fact that an hour later, everyone is ready to leave.  It's just not worth it.

The mountains are too far away. Camping is a joke with my city bred boys. I enjoy it more than they do! None of the usual things appeal to my family when it comes to this week break.

The Mr. and I have discussed cleaning our garage. It is in disarray and has been since we moved here almost two years ago. Finding something in the myriad of boxes is an adventure in frustration.

Our plan was to begin on Monday morning.  By now it was to be clean, organized and ready for the next move. Whenever that may be.  The Mr. and I are prone to wander. Doesn't that line make you want to break out in song?

Anyway, back on topic.  So far, all we have managed is discussing cleaning. One day we slept late. Another we had other things to do.  Today it is too cold. I don't have high hopes for tomorrow either.  But, who knows.

Maybe we will clean it out this summer. If it isn't too hot.  In Texas.  Excuse me while I laugh myself silly. 

What have we done so far this week of Spring Break 2014? The short answer is relax.

We have barely stirred from home. There have been days where we merely took showers to put on clean jammies so we could watch television and play video games. It's sad, but true. I have managed to cook and do laundry. 

Oh, and The Mr. and I took a walk around the neighborhood yesterday before the cold front blew in. It was nice. We were selfish and didn't take the four legged creatures along so we could amble along slowly, looking at the flowers and trees in our neighbors yards.

I predict the second half of this break to be similar. With the exception of the garage. I really hope we do at least a little work out there. But, if it doesn't happen, I am not going to stress out about it. It's been that way almost two years. What's another year?  Right?

I do have another project I am just about to work on. Right now. As soon as I publish this post. I am going to attempt - yet again - to get my new (from Christmas) camera to work with my computer.  The iPhone pictures are okay, but I could be using ones that are SOOOOOO much better...

Btw, if you are wondering about my lack of ambition today, it's because I have only had one cup of coffee all day...and I didn't manage to drink all of it!  Seriously low on coffee.  Wonder if I can convince the Mr. to make more? 

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