Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wow...  Today has been one long stressful day and it's only 2:00 pm.  I can't say the stress started today as that would be such a lie.  It started long ago, along with all my hubby's gastro problems.  Today was simply the culmination of all our worry and stress.

We were up and moving dark and early this morning somewhere between 0500 and 0530 preparing to go to Portsmouth Naval Hospital where hubby had the priviledge of undergoing not one, but two, "procedures".  That's what you call it after a certain age, according to Billy Crystal in City Slickers.  :)  Anyway, the EGD and colonoscopy both happened for him this morning.  We didn't talk about our fears or our stress until afterwards.  But, we were both afraid it was going to be the big "C".

I won't delay any longer.  Yes, we have a diagnosis. No, it isn't the "Big C." He has Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).  No cure for this condition other than trial and error in figuring out what works and what doesn't.  Ummm....hello?  We've been dealing with this getting progressively worse over the past 10 years.  If we don't know NOW how to control it....well, whatever.  GI doc gave him some papers (none of which actually addressed the situation) and sent us home.  Gee, thanks.  (Insert lots, no TONS, of sarcasm here.) 

So, we came home and he fell asleep (again) and I hit the computer to read and research every possible link about IBS there is.  They basically all say the same thing:  Figure out what triggers it and learn to live with it.  *sigh*  In this day and age, that's the best they can come up with?  Looks like it's food diary time and lots more reading and researching about what he needs to eat, common triggers, etc. 

I did come across something scary for ME.....IF I ever end up with IBS, I will need to give up coffee as it's apparently one of the big triggers.  I pray this never happens as life would not be much fun without my ever present cup.  Speaking of which, it's currently filled with Gevalia Traditional Roast and Peppermint Mocha creamer.  Christmas for my taste buds.  Ahhhhh...

Time for today's OOTD.  I may have gotten up way too early for this night owl, but I did manage to look cute.  Thanks to planning ahead last night. 

Necklace from a local thrift store on Shore Drive
Top by Milano
Sweater by Croft and Barrow
Slacks by George (yup, got 'em at Wally World, but they are super cute!)
Shoes by Avon

I went outside and took a picture so you can see the detail on the shoes and why I like them so much.  I am also wearing black trouser socks because it's a bit chilly today.  
This is how my feet look today.

See you tomorrow with an update on life in my house and another fabulous OOTD.  :)  I have to admit, I'm really enjoying this.  Still can't believe it.  But, it's a great way to keep up my look and not revert back to the ubiquitous Mom Uniform.


  1. Susan, I love your new haircut and the blog!

  2. I love the detail on the shoes. Very cute and gives the look that extra "oomph".
